< BMP 5월 활동 공유 >. 브레이브걸스 - 롤린 싸인CD 이벤트 2차. 다크비(DKB) - THE DICE IS CAST (정규앨범) 발매기념 팬사인회. 뮤직브로 오디션 2라운드 진행중. BMP 토큰.

31 May 2021, 09:18
< BMP 5월 활동 공유 > 📍브레이브걸스 - 롤린 싸인CD 이벤트 2차 📍 다크비(DKB) - THE DICE IS CAST (정규앨범) 발매기념 팬사인회 📍 뮤직브로 오디션 2라운드 진행중 📍 BMP 토큰 - 브라더 뮤직 플랫폼(Brother Music Platform)은 한국의 유명한 기획자인 용감한 형제가 참여한 프로젝트로 K-POP 음악 감상은 물론 K-POP 쇼핑과 오디션이 한곳에서 이루어지는 멀티음악 플랫폼입니다. - BMP 토큰은 BMP 플랫폼 생태계에서 채널 구독, 음원 스트리밍, 아티스트 후원등의 결제 수단에 사용됩니다 공식 홈페이지 : 채팅방 : 트위터 :

Same news in other sources

AprilAPRIL #2283
01 Jun 2021, 04:16
Meme contest is about to end tommorow. Thanks for your creativity guys! Please make sure you follow any of these twitter account for future information. @aprilmyoracle @cryptomessenger @geminigoldsaint I will be hosting #AprilHand twitter contest after meme contest winner announced. $500 for one winner is in our mind, maybe more in the future. We will drop the prize in BUSD or any stable coin. The winner will be picked randomly LIVE at my channel. Thanks for your support.
Meme contest is about to end tommorow. Thanks for your creativity guys.
Meme contest is about to end tommorow. Thanks for your creativity guys! Please make sure you follow any of these twitter account for future information. @aprilmyoracle @cryptomessenger @geminigoldsaint I will be hosting #AprilHand twitter contest after meme contest winner announced. $500 for one winner is in our mind, maybe more in the future. We will drop the prize in BUSD or any stable coin. The winner will be picked randomly LIVE at my channel. Thanks for your support.
AprilAPRIL #2283
01 Jun 2021, 04:16
🚀April Explorer V1 (Alpha) is now online. It currently only shows the BTC & ETH datafeeds. Providing a glimpse of the accuracy and speed of the April oracle service. Due to being an alpha release the speed is very leisurely at the moment but will be increasing as more updates are rolled out. ⛔️ Please do not be fooled by the simple UI.
April Explorer V1 (Alpha) is now online. It currently only shows the BTC & ETH datafeeds.
🚀April Explorer V1 (Alpha) is now online. It currently only shows the BTC & ETH datafeeds. Providing a glimpse of the accuracy and speed of the April oracle service. Due to being an alpha release the speed is very leisurely at the moment but will be increasing as more updates are rolled out. https://ex.apriloracle.com ⛔️ Please do not be fooled by the simple UI.
AprilAPRIL #2283
01 Jun 2021, 04:16
🚀 April Explorer V1 (alpha version) launching this Thursday May 27th.
April Explorer V1 (alpha version) launching this Thursday May 27th.
🚀 April Explorer V1 (alpha version) launching this Thursday May 27th.
AprilAPRIL #2283
01 Jun 2021, 04:15
1st Airdrop payout will be sent out some time today.
1st Airdrop payout will be sent out some time today.
✅ 1st Airdrop payout will be sent out some time today.
31 May 2021, 09:18
Brother Music Platform telegram news 31 May 2021 09:18